krnaturalphoto's Blog

Training for a 50k has been a big change to the way I run. I have never done any kind of official training program for any race I have run. If...

The winter weather in Upstate, NY has been a bit brutal in January. I was really hoping for a milder winter like we have had the past few years during which...

One of my favorite things that I have gotten the opportunity to do since becoming involved with the Southern Tier Running club is photographing their races. And that means taking a...

Monday was my first day of training for the Worlds End 50k in June. Lets just say it was sub optimal conditions. The weather here in New York has been below...

Every year I try to set myself a new goal or two in my running. Below is a list of my goals that I had set for myself for 2017 and...

I have talked a lot about how my photography often combines with my other passions that become parts of my life over the years. The last few years running has become...

Earlier this year I took this crazy mutt for a couple of runs. She is a beginning runner. Much like I was not to long ago she struggles to keep up....

I have gone out and pursued more photography with a purpose this year than I ever have in the past. In the past I would go out and generally just search...

Why Run? For exercise. For fun. For peace. For solitude. For energy. For fitness. For health. For a cause. For friends. To see new things. To have new experiences. To be...

Last year a friend of mine suggested I run a race that sounded challenging and fun but it was the weekend after I was running another race. I didn’t think that...