krnaturalphoto's Blog

I went on a 10 day camping trip to the Adirondacks. I reserved campsites at two different campgrounds because I couldn’t get 10 days straight at one site. That is the...

After a week of adventuring out from my base camp near Lake Placid it was time to move north to my new camping location, Buck Pond State Park. I decided that...

During this trip I camped at two different location because I couldn’t get a single 10 day block at one campsite. I had never done that before. I spent the first...

Earlier this year a friend of mine and fellow runner posted online that he wanted to go run up Mount Marcy in the Adirondacks. He wanted to know if anyone would...

During my trip to the Adirondacks one hike I wanted to try to make sure I fit into my schedule was Mount Marcy. Mount Marcy is the tallest mountain in New...

This portion of my trip was very different than the other parts of my trip. Most of my trip was about exploring and doing new things. Visiting Paul Smith’s Visitor Interpretive...

When I thought about what I wanted to do on this trip I knew I wanted to take on a series of interesting and challenging activities but I did not necessarily...

After climbing Haystack Mountain in the morning I went back to camp to relax for a while. In the afternoon I wanted to get out and do some more exploring, but...

This was a very unstructured trip. I really had no idea what I was going to do as far as specifics. I knew I wanted to hike up several of the...

I’ve been back from my trip to the Adirondacks for a few days now and I am in the middle of processing over 2000 photos as well as some time lapse...