
One Phot A Day | Day 48 | Sperr Sunset

One photo a day challenge: Day 48.

As today developed they sky was clear and the sun was shining. The sun was high in the sky and blindingly bright throughout the day. So unlike it has been recently.

As the day progressed and the sky stayed clear with the sun bright I began to think about my photography. I was thinking of what I would do for my daily photograph today. With such nice bright lighting outside for once I really wanted to create an image outdoors.

We have had so much winter weather this year I really wanted to get out and capture some more winter scenery. The only problem with that is with all the snow and ice of winter weather comes difficult travel conditions, difficulty getting to locations for photos, difficulty parking, and difficulty finding parks and trails that are accessible.

I started to think that I wanted to stop somewhere on my commute home and photograph some scenery. I began to run through the list of local places I love.

Choosing a location

One challenge today was I did not have my all wheel drive vehicle today. So, I had to make sure wherever I decided to go would be clear enough of snow so I would not get stuck. I began to run through the list in my head and cross off locations that are difficult to access or might have issues with snow.

Sunset. Sperr Park. Big Flats, New York.

One location I love stood out. Parking lot is usually clear of snow. Access to the areas I want to photograph are pretty easy even if the trails are completely snow covered. Beautiful trails. Tall trees. Frozen ponds. Sun, sky and clouds.

Sperr Park was the perfect place. I arrived at 5 PM. The sun was getting lower in the sky, but was still shining bright. I decided to walk around and photograph the trees, the trails, and the snow as I waited for the sun to set.

As I looked at the sky I knew the sun would set at the far end of the frozen pond and illuminate it nicely. I would make my way there and stand and watch and photograph the sky as the sun was setting.

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