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I have probably written about The Corning Museum of Glass before. Probably in a very similar manner. So this may be a repetitive post for some who have seen other posts. But, I feel like this is something I want to write about even if repeatedly because it is important to me to write about other forms of art and local places I can engage with art. And I love to talk about how I engage with art, because we all engage with art differently.

First off, The Corning Museum of Glass is amazing. If you ever have a chance to go there, do it. Th museum has so many different types of exhibits and demonstrations. There is definitely something for everyone, including children and people who are not necessarily interested in the art aspect of glass.

Corning Museum of Glass.

I am kind of the opposite. I don’t go to the museum to learn about the history of glass and how it has been made and used throughout history, although it is extremely interesting. That just isn’t the draw for me. I love the museum mostly because of the art aspects it provides for me. Watching the glass artists create their own unique pieces of art in person is fascinating.

I enjoy walking around the museum and looking for pieces of art that I find aesthetically pleasing or interesting. And as is true of just about anything that will vary from person to person. What I like or find interesting may not be something you enjoy. And for that reason you must stop in and see it for yourself. Do not judge by my words or photos. Go see the Corning Museum of Glass for yourself. I cannot stress that enough.

Corning Museum of Glass.

As a photographer I like to engage with he glasswork from that standpoint as well. I like to photograph the glasswork. Sometimes I will simply photograph a piece of art simply to capture it for me to enjoy looking at a representation of that piece of art at a later date.

Some pieces of art I will try to photograph in a way that is a little transformative. I try to take an extreme angle or extreme close up so that the original piece of artwork is almost completely unrecognizable. But if you are familiar with the art you may know what you are looking at.

Corning Museum of Glass.

My sensibilities in art and what I like tends to lean towards art that looks more realistic or real world. Especially as it relates to nature or animals. I often like art that represents life as I know it in some way.

But it seems to me that glasswork has been one form of art where I more often than with other forms of art enjoy abstract types of art. Artwork that is not directly representational of life as we know it. A piece of art that is all shapes and colors in the glass form can really appeal to me.

I always look forward to visiting the Corning Museum of Glass, especially when they have new artwork on display that I haven’t seen before.

Corning Museum of Glass.

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