
Hiking The Interloken Trail With Friends

I love getting out for a good adventure. I am so fortunate to have friends who also enjoy an adventure. This weekend I was able to explore some new to me trails. That is the best kind of adventure.

A friend of ours got the idea for this adventure and planned it out for us. The plan was to hike approximately 15 miles point to point. We would hike the entire Interloken Trail section of the Finger Lakes Trail. Then when we reached the end of the Interloken Trail we would hike around 5 miles on the main Finger Lakes Trail back to our cars.

The hike started off bright and sunny.

Thanks to the organization of our friends group we were able to drop a set of cars at the endpoint and drive to the trailhead to start. That allowed us to hike straight through. No out and backs. The best kind of hike.

It really doesn’t get much better than spending over 5 hours in the woods with your friends.

Hiking through the woods.

I didn’t take many photos, but I did take a few. I tried to just enjoy the hike and the movement of my body on the trails. Especially since my movement has been more limited this year than I would like. It has been really good to get out for some extended time on the trails recently.

I learned that mid 30’s is actually the perfect temperature for hiking. A few thin layers and a nice jacket was perfect. A warm hat. A pair of gloves that I ended up not even wearing most of the time once I warme3d up after the first few miles. No sweating profusely like I do in the summer months. I need to get out more during this time of year for hiking adventures.

This was the first time I had ever seen this pond.

The day started off bright and sunny. That crisp chill in the air but the sun balanced it out. Then it became mostly overcast and a little cooler. The sections where we were exposed out in the grazing pastures were a little cold at times, but then we would return to the warm confines of the woods.

Near the end of the hike the temperatures began to drop. We even had out first snowfall as tiny flakes slowly became more frequent. The snow eventually began to stick to the ground. At the end of the hike the temperature had fallen from the mid 30’s to the mid 20’s.

I had such a good time. I need more days like this.

I love trees with shaggy bark that sticks out all over.

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