
Surveying The Landscape | Ring-Billed Gull | New York

Ring-Billed Gulls are a bird I can see anytime I want to.

I really learned to hone my wildlife photography working to photograph Ring-Billed Gulls where I live.

Photographing Ring-Billed Gulls provide a lot of opportunity to create different types of images.

The Ring-Billed Gull can be found in a wide variety of environments and circumstances. This creates a lot of opportunities for learning and development.

When working with Ring-Billed Gulls there are opportunities for in flight photos, close up portraiture, environmental shots, group photos, photographs of large groups of animals and everything in-between.

If you have an animal that is ubiquitous to you take advantage of that and use that to learn your craft.

Despite seeing Ring-Billed Gulls regularly I still take the time when I am out on a bird watching trip to Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge to photograph the Ring-Billed Gull when it presents for a nice image.

Ring-Billed Gull at Montezuma

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